Well, where did the last few months go? Suddenly, it's July. And it's raining. At least with all this cold weather, I haven't had the usual summer wardrobe freakout! (If this were an email, I'd add in a smiley face.)
Since I last wrote, I have stopped going to my LighterLife group - purely for financial reasons. I've just read my last post and thought, wow!, I really did get a lot from the group. Which I did. But I wasn't doing the food side of the programme and so, I had to get real about spending X pounds per week to buy food I wasn't eating...
I also had other commitments, which interfered with my attending group so whichever way I looked at it, it didn't add up. But I still believe in that Foundation stage of the programme IF the counsellor is right and it's medically safe for you to do it. And I respect people who don't hold that view. LighterLife enabled me to get slim when I never thought I ever would and I can still access the memory of being smaller. And it's given me a point that I want to return to.
LighterLife has hit the headlines this week because actress Pauline Quirke has taken the plunge and done the programme. In the same newsapaper, writer Lucy Cavendish talked about how she lost weight in a different and has kept it off...at a price. I think it's interesting to see her thoughts.
I recently met someone who's had big weight losses in the past, got busy with her career and overwhelmed by life - juggling family, work, working away from home, the whole nine yards. She had put on some of her weight but then, as the life pressures increased, so did the numbers on the scales. Then she got a new job. And 'everything changed'. She got happy again. And quietly, quietly, she lost...almost five stone! It was very much a case of head down, get on with it. Steely determination and all that. But what really struck me - because I did grill her at length - was that she felt happy. On the right track - of her life.
I firmly believe it's the being derailed by life's events that is the dieter's undoing. It certainly was mine. Is mine. Life gets in the way and the food regime goes out of the window. Sometimes it's emotional. Sometimes it's simply organisational. I was doing really well for the first few months of the year and then lost my way. Part health, part emotion, part practical. I'm itching to get back into the groove again and, more than anything, I'm really 'working' at getting happy (with myself). And funnily enough, it's a lot harder than you think!
Wishing everyone a happier summer. With added sunshine.
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