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May 28, 2007



With Irish Mrs Doyle accent:- "Aaaah go on go on go on go on..." You can do it and it WILL help.

What you said in your post about wanting to train and wanting to do it for you was what I felt yesterday. I maybe didn't express it as well but it was the sheer shock of feeling that I wasn't going out in the rain becuse I felt I should, or had to, or to lose weight, or for any other reason than than I wanted to. So, exercise can change from a chore and a means to an end into a treat or a pleasure in itself and realisigng that that had happened for me was a major turning point for me yesterday!

Having said that I'm struggling to make myself do anything energetic today....I'll take the dog for a walk or a run later....

I hope you can do it and think it would help with your plateau too.

Keep it up Mrs..

Lesley x


I still get the weightwatchers emails too - at least you're good and read them. I haven't read any, don't even open them - just saved them for future reference.

I think you should make the call - you're going through bloody loads at home and I think the exercise will give you time for you and also distract you/empty your mind of all other things that are happening --- plus you do get a good buzz at the end of it.

I need to book an assessment at my gym and get the instuctor to fix me a programme as I tend to stick to doing the same things each time - however, though I think my Development class could be on a Monday when it starts so that means I'll be going to the gym 5 times a week for various classes so when I'll fit in just a 'gym session' I've not a clue!

Don't you just love 'light bulb moments' - I hope that yours just shines shines shines.


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