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« My Week 14 Starts Here | Main | One Step Forward, Two Steps Back »

May 29, 2007



Re the self-esteem test - I wasn't going to say but I came in at 83% so I think we can safely deduce that it's not a problem for me... Even there though, there are areas where I know I don't score as highly and the main one is my relationship with D so that is wwhere I'm trying to focus my energies. We can all try and help ourselves.

Not only that, I wonder what I WOULD have scored if I'd done the test before LL?? Definitely not 83%!!

I think GG's 6 pointers are fantastic tool. Especially the "fake it" one. That's what I do. If I feel I can't do something - I do it anyway, pretend to be a really competent and professional person and hope for the best. What's that awful phrase "Feel the fear and do it anyway" or something....?

I think you're halfway there anyway; just remembering the way you have addressed some things in the the diet. Like you ate while in NY but didn't automatically call yourself a failure. You looked for the positive there. You're working on accepting compliments even though it bothers you. All these things show that you're moving in the right direction. And, you're changing your life with both the diet and all the house stuff, not the sign of a paralysed woman. So - you just have to "see" these things and come to belive in them yourself. That'll come.

Take care and have a good if busy week.

Lesley x

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