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May 18, 2007



What an interesting post. I too have been thinking a lot about issues to do with self esteem as I now accept I have problems in this area. I had previously assumed I didn't as I am also extremely arrogant at times! I shall have a good think today whilst walking the dog and come back later with some thoughts. I was talking to a fellow National Trust garden volunteer yesterday who is in a similar situation to you - he has been very generous in the sale of a business to a friend and is now beginning to realise that he is being taken advantage of. I was encouraging him to be explicit in what he required - setting the boundaries! Should tell myself that too. Not an easy problem to solve, but all too common for "nice" people.

As for what prompted me to do LL, it was almost an impulse - I phoned an old friend who announced she was now skinny. Knowing her as I did, I found out her secret and knew it was the answer for me! I think this must have coincided with my head being in the right place at that time, as LL seemed so right for me from day 1 (or even -20!).

I really love your blog - I now even look at it before minimins!! - and it is helping me focus my thoughts. Looking forward to hearing about session 13 and how things went yesterday - hope you're OK.


I had a chat with a friend whilst out with the dogs. She is very clued up on psychology and quite keen on the Myers Briggs personality type indicator "thingie" (I'm not so clued up on terminology!). She has 2 adopted children so has needed to help them boost their feelings of self worth. We talked about this and I asked her how an adult would increase their self worth. She thought it was more difficult as it's what happens to us as a child that results in our level of self esteem. However she reckons the key is to understand our personality so we get to a point where we can accept the way we are and give ourselves permission to be that way. For example, she has always been shy, which can be seen as socially unacceptable by some more extrovert people. By accepting the fact that she is an introvert and coming to believe it's OK to be one, she can be more relaxed about social situations. I wouldn't have described her as shy! Just normal. It makes sense to me. I suppose what I'm saying is if we can accept and understand ourselves then it will be easier to do things like setting healthy boundaries. That's the theory anyway! Now I'll have to see if I can put it into practice, once I've worked out what I need to do.


I suffer from low self esteem too so I'll give that site you mentioned a look at and have a go at the quiz - I'm not holding my breath for a good score though.

Good luck with your employers, I really don't envy you having to go through this, it must be awful.




I did the test and scored an horrific 24%! I knew my self esteem was low, but that shocked me to the core. Will try to rectify that if possible, thankyou for the link xx


I had a go - 52%.

Chris x


I tried it and got 53%!

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