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« Ooooh, What's Gone Wrong? | Main | When in Doubt.... »

May 20, 2007



Wow, that's so true. I find people are often intimidated by me, and I can't always work out why when I'm a big softee. I come across as very confident and sure of myself, I am confident and think that'd be the same thin but I'm certainly not sure of myself.

I find that I'm always a larger than life character, the first to make the fat girl jokes before someone else does. I kind of 'you're thinking it, so I'll say it and make a joke out of it before you do'.

Which to others is me being confident and outgoing, whereas on the inside, it's the defence mechanism kicking in to stop be being vulnerable by my size.

Without being big, how can I protect myself..'ve opened a can of worms here..need to ponder this one for a

Hope you are well and had a good weekend.

Take care,


Yep yep yep - I've done and thought all those things! I too have been pondering whether my character will shrink along with my ass but think I've just about realised that it won't. Hopefully I'll just lose the negative stuff, like cracking fat jokes before anyone else does. It wasn't really a strong thing to do - it was a bit heartbreaking!

Although I felt strangely physically small when my Dad hugged me at the weekend, I do know that I'm not any less of a person than I was when I was big. If anything, I'm more of a force to be reckoned with! I can keep up with people. I don't have the fatgirl inner dialogue wasting space in my head - the "will I fit into that seat?" "What will I wear to that wedding?" "Can I physically make it up that hill with my friends?" "Will I sweat too much if I dance all night?".

Now I just DO stuff and that makes me stronger than I was when I was outwardly a "big strong girl"!!

It is an adjustment though and any adjustment takes time...


I've thought about this quite a bit recently. I too am unsure about what my new body's influence will have on my personality.

I guess I have a personality that suits my larger than life shape. I like to be the life and soul of the party at the centre of attention. I am no shrinking violet.

I have wondered if my exuberance will diminish with my adipose tissue. Who knows?


You are so spot on with this - I also suffered from big girl personality even at 5'1". People think that you are more of a force to be reckoned with because of your size whereas to be honest I think I'm more assertive now because of the size I am now - I'm more likely to stand my ground now and stick up for myself rather than running off to hide in the corner.... I've also found that I'm less anxious.

I'm not sure who I'll become or exactly what I'll be like at the end of this but I'm damn sure I'm going to love her.



I've not got to the point yet where I feel totally different in company. I'm still making the fat girl jokes first. Mainly, I think to let everyone know that I still know I have a way to go until I'm happy with my body (tummy and arms!!!!) - or to ehat I think everyone else wold be happy with...

Chris x

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