Do you know what a treasure map is? Forget something from Pirates of the Caribbean; there is no Johnny Depp, no Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightley.
I think treasure maps have different names but it's basically about creating - on a huge sheet of paper - a vision of your ideal/future life. You cut out different pictures and headlines from magazines - ones that appeal to you or have significant meaning - and then stick them together in a big collage.
During my self-help journey (or addiction?), I've played with treasure maps before.
I think it was when I embraced Louise Hay ( with her book, You Can Heal Your Life, specifically to help my endometriosis (it was all about being sweet enough and a powerful woman). I don't think I am doing Ms Hay any justice, to be honest and I do know many people who feel that she helped them in their darkest hour (with illness).
Then when I read Jack Canfield's The Success Principles, I created one based on my husband and I standing outside Tina Turner's old house in Notting Hill! I was "aiming high", planning to live life to the max but then we had some really awful times and the map came down.
I've also done one about a year ago, which was about being a mother but I felt very uncomfortable doing it because I genuinely believed it wouldn't happen.
Anyway, fast forward a year and I've just met someone whose treasure map has come true - AGAINST ALL ODDS! If I hadn't met this person, I wouldn't have believed it.
I found out two key things - the treasure map did not have to be divided up into different areas of one's life - health, love, money, work, family, etc etc.
This map (ie the dreams come true one) was a pictorial interpretation of how this person wanted their life to be.
Furthermore, this person didn't think it would happen - they ended up doing the treasure map because it was part of work training. They had to do it so it was not done with any specific intention in mind.
I would never have contemplated doing yet another treasure map, if I hadn't met this person but their success (not all of it necessarily material success) has had a profound effect on me.
In my LighterLife Green Book, I drew a pictorial representation of me, my husband, two children and the dog - it was my ultimate goal.
It's time to get out the scissors, magazines and paper.
Maybe, this time, I'll find the treasure.
One of the things I want on my map is a dog - and that's mainly through reading your blog. I keep getting dog pangs!
Posted by: Cerulean (Sarah) | June 17, 2007 at 10:54 PM
I have so enjoyed your blog and found enormous inspiration from it and your great success on LL. I start on Tuesday (first session Monday night) - my blog is if you want to read. I feel like I know you very well so it's only fair for you to read about me - if you want to. Please keep posting!
Posted by: Peridot | June 19, 2007 at 06:05 PM
Very interesting about the treasure mapping. I've just done a search on google and come up with a site that shows how it's done - - John will be interested to read about this as it is relevant to some other work we've done with quantum physics (don't ask!) and requests to the Universe for what you desire.
Posted by: Christine | June 21, 2007 at 09:21 PM