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August 30, 2007


Cerulean (Sarah)

To put on 3lbs of fat you will need to consume (in excess of the approximate 1700-1800 you need each day without additional exercise) just over 10000 calories. However, glycogen units require 9 units of water as they are laid down (turns out on checking a few nutrition bibles my bad science is actually fairly accurate)

Based on my fat burning calculations, in abstinence I was burning an average of 2100 calories a day - which is about right for a woman of my height and weight who does a moderate to intense amount of exercise. If I wasn't exercising I would need about 1800 calories a day. I worked out that it would take 2 years of eating 2 chocolate bars in excess of my allowance every day to get to the top range of obese again.

Cerulean (Sarah)

To put on 3lbs of fat you will need to consume (in excess of the approximate 1700-1800 you need each day without additional exercise) just over 10000 calories. However, glycogen units require 9 units of water as they are laid down (turns out on checking a few nutrition bibles my bad science is actually fairly accurate)

Based on my fat burning calculations, in abstinence I was burning an average of 2100 calories a day - which is about right for a woman of my height and weight who does a moderate to intense amount of exercise. If I wasn't exercising I would need about 1800 calories a day. I worked out that it would take 2 years of eating 2 chocolate bars in excess of my allowance every day to get to the top range of obese again.


What a 2 years that would be! Only joking... step away from the 2 daily bars of chocolate.


Sorry for not replying sooner...

Sarah got it bang on. There are 3500 cal in a pound of fat. You can't have eaten all that, so the weight you have put on is water.

When you started LL I bet you had a huge loss, right? I'll explain why. Your body burns carbogydrate for energy. That carbohydrate just loves water and they stick together. So when you burn off the carbs the water gets expelled too. Effectively your early weight losses are what is known as water weight.

The water you gain as you leave abstinence is the same water you lost in week 1 when you started. So that euphoric feeling everntually comes back to bite you in the (much smaller) ass.

Don't worry, it's just your body getting back to normal. You should have a ready store of carbs and it's asociated water.

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