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« Domestic Bliss | Main | LighterLife Route to Management - Tips from the Experts »

August 09, 2007



Keep going girl! Despite identifying the noise it still surrounds me! Remember we don't change overnight & there are twists and turns, lumps & bumps (!) along the way! It does take a while for body to catch up with head; I picked up a size 16 skirt (chuffed & in the sale) before realising that I am now a size 12 skirt...! DOH! Hang in there & just do your best, cant do more can you & remember you have an awful lot going on so be gente with yourself. Big hugs.


Yeah - I second all that. I wish it had been around at the beginning but now, with 2 or 3 weeks to go, I'm putting it into practise!

Lesley x


Thank you Mrs L.

As someone who'll be starting Development in 3 weeks time (I think) that is so, so helpful.

I'll print this out and keep it with my development book (I presume we get one) so I can keep referring to it, if you don't mind.

Thanks again.

Amanda x

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