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August 30, 2007



It is such a moveable feast (eeek - pun!) isn't it? One minute - confident, happy, in control. Next minute - what can I eat???

I'm trying to slow my life down, do more chores, wash up more, get into routines around the house and be a better housewife because, funnily enough, this helps me NOT eat!! I've no idea why but it does. Obviously you can't do this because you're split between 2 chaotic households and are up to your eyes. I'm confident that when you get into your house you can establish routines and coping systems and it will be a lot easier for you to manage (everything).

When might that be???

Cling to the good stuff and any resistance of bad stuff is a triumph.

Lesley x


Hey Mrs - you are still identifying what is happening and when. Use this information. Are you still doing thought records? the light must be at the end of the tunnel with all these lightbulb moments!

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