Someone has posted this on the comments:
"Help! I am on day 77 of LL foundation, have lost 38lbs, just changed jobs and this evening had the WORST lapse. After a headache all day and no sleep last night due to starting new job, I am wondering if these have been contributing factors to the lapse or if I am just making (yet more) excuses
Not sure if it's the positive attention I have got from people in the office, especially those I haven't seen for a while- very flattering, but I have spent my life hiding behind food and eating to excess to stay in the background and keep myself "safe"
Does this ring any bells with anyone- any support, constructive advice would be greatly appreciated???
It feels like a "what's the point- now I have well and truly failed" moment- oh and my counsellor is on holiday, no locum and 3 weeks "Out there" feeling rather weak and sorry for myself
How do I get beyond this moment and pull myself back out of the hole I am meant to be learning to walk around
Thanks in advance"
I don't know about you but when I can give advice, it spurs me on. Please can everyone post some helpful suggestions for this fellow LL'er and I will also suggests she gets straight onto
My top advice, of course, is get out the Thought Records and get writing!
Have a good day and thanks for top advice re Sunday! I think smaller packages IS the way forward because I finished that tub of cottage cheese because it was neater/tidier. Hello?!?!?!?!?!?!?