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August 31, 2007



Hang in there! Whiel I'm sure it feels like wlking through quicksand you ARE getting there, step by painful step. Fab that you are getting an allotment! Mine has saved me! Literally. Funny how a bit of soil & a few likeminded people can save you but that is what started my journey & I hope you come to love yours as much as I love mine! Just keep takeing it an hour at a time when you need to and focus on the fact that you WILL one day relax in a lovely house, the hound will be back and that you are moving in the right direction - even if the scales don't always (glycogen?) Huge hugs for you & well done for keeping going! Yes you may have strayed off track but you keep getting back on & thats the main thing!


I've just come from a hospital appointment with an endocrinologist and feel very down. Firstly he had a real go at me for being on a VLCD and just would not listen to me. Each time I started to speak, he'd interrupt. I had to have a full blood test because he wants to se if my blood minerals are right. And we review in 3 months. Not looking forward to that!

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