Going to the Gym - Take 2
OK, so it was a replay of Tuesday morning - wake up far too early (and last night I went to sleep at 2am) with the phone alarm, hit snooze five times through sheer exhaustion, blah blah blah BUT with one MAJOR difference. When I played the movie in my head - yes, that's what I do automatically - of me going to the gym (and feeling miserable), I remembered how good I felt afterwards on Tuesday. It was crooked thinking, interrupted. Wow!
This event, I have no doubt, was aided and abetted by the fact that I have met someone also on the lard busting journey who has embraced the gym wholeheartedly. Their body is simply amazing. Soooo toned. And so I have that association, too. The gym really can tone up someone carrying the extra weight. I have never had that association because...I have never seen it in the flesh, as it were. And this is someone who has been on a long, hard journey so their muscles are hard won (and therefore even more impressive).
So, it's off to the gym and I am excited. Blimey! I wish I could convey what a turnaround (and massive shift in thinking) that is! I just wish, as I have done before but this time, with conviction, that I had embraced the gym a whole lot earlier.