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February 09, 2008



I agree about making time for yourself. it makes such a difference to have good things to hand. Makes you feel better too so less likely to want to snack on bad stuff. I so want to tell my sister to put herself fis=rst every now and again - she is last in a queue of 4 kids, one husband 2 dogs and God knws what else. I don;t think it's healthy NEVER to prioritise your own needs. Then again I'm am pretty selfish (in a nice way)!!!

The job still sounds horrible but I laughed at the bit about the MD in jeans - ridiculous eh?

Have a great weekend.

Lesley x

Mamma Mia

Oh dear; maybe it's in the blood ...

When I was expecting you, I temped and was given a job so mind-numbingly boring that I thought I would go quietly insane. It was in the ordering department of a small factory on an industrial estate; I typed orders (in triplicate) for widgets large, medium and small. The older women in the office were very disapproving of the fact that I had not started knitting.

As my bump (ie you) got bigger, I had to stretch my arms further and further to get to the typewriter until the day came when I just couldn't reach it. So it was bye bye widgets, bye bye industrial estate. Only then did I start knitting.

I hope you have a better week but just keep treating it as research so that you can keep us all entertained with more tales from the call centre. (Because you couldn't make it up, could you?)

And fingers crossed for you know what. XXX

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