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« Taking Care - Day X - I've lost count already | Main | So Near and Yet So Far »

April 03, 2008



Hi Mrs - catching up on blogs today - pleased that YOU SEEM TO BE LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF.

Try to find the pluses with the new work patterns. When change happens to us, we can feel resistant to it but you could use that late start to go to the gym (are you still a member?) or take the dog for a really long walk or just read a book if that's what you fancy. The odd sleep in isn't a problem if it counts as 'me' time too.


Just checking in to The Lard Arms.... Hope everything's okay as it's a long silence! Perhaps you're too busy having fun - here's hoping.

Peridot x


I am worried about you! You NEVER leave it this long to post. Hopefully (as I said) it's just that you've been having too much FUN. Lesley's very quiet too and I'm starting to feel quite lonely.... Sniff.

Peridot x

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