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« Day XXX - LighterLife The Sequel - The Comedown | Main | Day XXX - LighterLife The Sequel - Ouch! »

June 30, 2008



I had a similar experience with my PC two or three years ago. We lost a lot. A crumb of comfort - when we took the PC to our computer guru, she managed to retrieve most of our photos; that seemed to be the easiest aspect to sort out. The Word documents were gone. As were my son's cartoons he'd spent hours on. Of course on TV and films they seem to be able to get anything back! I really do know how you feel in this case but life does go on and a long time later I only experienced very mild feelings of panic when I read your post! It's upsetting to lose these things but it is only "stuff". Took me a while to take that on board so don't think I'm not extremely sympathetic. I just hope iMacs are easier to mend than PCs. Fingers crossed. Good luck with all the job situations too.


I'm sorry - that sounds very distressing and very stressful. Shows how much we rely on technology. Hope it's not driving you to eat rubbish (as it probably would me!).

Peridot x


Oh no oh no oh no.....We lost all our photos once and were not backed up (very new to the whole thing so we didn't have too many. Since then we've been paranoid and very backed up. I hope you find some light at the end of the tunnel.

Good luck with jobs too.

Lesley x


I know why you haven't posted (assume the broken computers are still kaput) but hope you can get back to it soon!!

Stick to being good and you will v v happy.

Lesley x

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