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« Day XXX - LighterLife The Sequel - Ouch! | Main | Interval »

July 07, 2008



Yes, all pressure shopping for special occasions is stressful - weddings, black tie (even more of a nightmare) etc Perhaps try a personal shopper experience in Debenhams or John Lewis? It's good to have a fresh perspective of what suits you.

And hats off to you if you think you can lose a stone and a half in 5 weeks - that's amazing. Wish I could do that! What's your secret?

Peridot x


Hi Mrs L
Which means to be vaguely happy on the wedding photos I need to get at least another stone off! I know exactly how you feel about the outfit thing - I have been in tears historically about such things -have you tried Debenhams - they have some lovely prom dress types which are really flattering! Love your blog - you girls have been a real inspiration to me x

janine aka slimmer bridezilla

P.s It would be so weird if it was !
Good luck with your countdown too x


Hi Mrs. I bet you look great as you are now. I'm not saying don't try and drop the lbs if you want to but perhaps don't heap pressure on yourself to do so for a deadline and then feel like a failure because you don't quite make it.

I did that for Fiona's wedding and have to say failed miserably and then went into my little spiral which I'm only now dragging myself out of. Perhaps if I'd been more rational about looking good for the wedding I would have been the same weight but I probably wouldn't have gained another half stone straight after!

When I look back, I did look nice even a stone over where I wanted to be and I shouldn't have added the extra pressure. I had a great time anyway...

I'd start looking for something to wear now, as you are so that you know you will be fine and look good. And then, when the pressure is off, you can try and drop a few lbs without HAVING to. You can always take the 'now' outfit back provided you watch the timing.

Good luck chuck.

Lesley x

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