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July 14, 2008



Hey, you're back! Lovely to have you back blogging - I check every day, hopeful of a new missive.

How was lovely Lab? I bet she was most interested in home made scones (mmmmmm) and most obliging to help you out in clearing up any stray calories you didn't want to eat!

It's an exhausting and ongoing battle with food isn't it? I wish I could get to the stage where I unconsiously made good decisions at least 80% of the time (and not to feel overwhelming guilt at the other 20% of the time) but I don't seem to be hardwired to do that. Or to really fully and intuitively understand that choices I make around food impact on other areas of my life - notably how I feel in clothes. Maybe one day....

Peridot x


Hiya, I've dropped by from Shauna's blog. So, you may not fit into the skinniest ones, but you're not far away and you obviously have the willpower to do it again.

Unlike me, who has not willpower.

Abigail Smith

Hiya! I dropped in via Shauna's blog too. Congratulations on your massive shrinkage! Don't despair at no longer fitting your 12s, it's still a major achievement to go from a 24 to a 14 or even to a 16. I'm overawed and inspired by you!

I'm a life coach, and I'm currently offering complimentary coaching sessions - it strikes me that you might be the kind of person who'd benefit from being coached. You've already taken massive action and shown huge commitment to your goals. If you fancy it, I'd love to discuss coaching you towards finding the motivation to get back into the 12s, or towards any other goals you have in life.


I'm also here from Shauna's blog!

Do you have anything in a 20 going begging? If you give them to me, you can't possibly risk growing back in to them and having to rebuy them so I'd be doing you a favour ;)

Off to browse the rest of your blog now.

the new girl

great post.

I love the visual of the jeans and I SO hear you on the not fitting into the smallest size in your closet.

It's not fun.

the new girl

great post.

I love the visual of the jeans and I SO hear you on the not fitting into the smallest size in your closet.

It's not fun.

Alex Costa -

A lot of people think that to lose weight is hard, but to maintain it's even harder because you have to do for the rest of your life.

By the way I really like the montage, when I lose enough pants I will copy you and give you credit for the inspiration :)

moncler jackets

Very, very nicely done!

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