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December 11, 2008



I noticed the Oprah thing too and thought how much of a theme it has been round here recently - Jeanette, Shauna and several others.

I've also been thinking about class and how helpful I have found it over the last few weeks. Not just in dropping just over a stone but in re-centering myself. I've pledged to keep going next year as well.

Not sure about therapy. Hmmmm

Definitely exercise is a given. I have never given up on it entirely, I'm just not doing as much as I did at my height. I'm working on it though.

So, I think your three step programme is definitely the one for me too (although the therapy side of things for me might be more blogging than personal one-to-one counselling).

As usual you have been very astute to pick out the important message from what you are seeing around you. And to pass it on to others as well. Thanks Mrs.

Have a great Christmas and get back to that gym. You're never too fat for it and you're not fat!!!

Lesley xx


Yes, I'm afraid I am part of that instant gratification generation. It's not a good club to be in!

I so empathise with the whole crawling back into your shell thing - I feel the same. I feel I can't even meet strangers' eyes - who aren't interested anyway, what arrogance!

I just wish I could crack this - the constant vigilence thing is exhasting. Not that I'm doing that at the moment but it seems that not only should I be, but that that level of proactivity will always have to be part of my life.

And much as I hate running (and you know I do!) I find that when I'm building more activity into my life it makes me more positive and more likely to make healthier choices. A sort of empowering thing. That's got to be worth dragging my sorry self out of bed at 6am - right? Cos it certainly isn't showing up externally! Heigh ho, let me know how you feel once you're in that groove.

Peridot x

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