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« There must be an easier way. Surely? | Main | Why are you losing weight? Really? »

February 10, 2009



I hope it helps chuck. I could really see a difference almost from the start. Not in weight loss particularly but in my mindset. I feel calmer about the whole thing, like now I know there's light at the end of the diet/weight/food tunnel.

Giving myself credit is something I don't do throughout the day as often as I should. I do in my blog but not as I go along. I hope you gave yourself a massive pat on the back for not thinking about cinema snacks?!

Keep it up chuck.

Lesley x


In answer to your question about choice, no, I don't think choice is great for me. I like it but tend to make the wrong ones. So, planning ahead removes the element of spontaneous choice and thus minimizes danger.

It all sounds very serious when you put it like that though!!

Lesley x


How nice of Lesley! Looking forward to getting your take on Beck which I have no doubt will help me digest it too.

Peridot x

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