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« Going for Gold... | Main | Monkeying Around »

April 30, 2009



Have you tried putting a picture of yourself in a swimming cossie on the fridge door??! That is what we have had to do....and it's quite effective! God knows what the dog walkers make of it!

Keep it up chuck and less choccie talk!

Lesley x


I think it sounds like tiredness and boredom driving you to look for the answer in the fridge/cupboards. It's a powerful combination.

That Lesley's made of tough stuff. I'd rather eat the photo than stick it on the fridge. And the fridge come to that. Ugh, it doesn't bear thinking about.

Peridot x


Hello, hello, hello....
I am laughing... Do not keep saying you know nothing about nutrition, YOU SO DO!!
I haven't loged on for ages, and rivited by the chocolate talk... You are totally exhausted, and are searching for the answer in food. You know so much, believe this, you are an EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL DIETER !!!!
Remember, remember this, you are the Queen of Blogs, helping others and I very much hope, yourself - the most important person on this planet..... xxxx

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