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May 12, 2009



Hmm, feast or famine - sounds eerily familiar! The guilt and out of control feeling with the feast, the alternate feelings of smugness and low level simmering resentment of the famine.... Or is that just me?!

I have to say that - living in London - I wouldn't describe the public transport system as "fabulous". Far from it. But I suppose it is there. Most of the time. I think you're doing a great thing in getting to grips with driving - and I totally know what you mean about exams but this is more of a practical! Code name: the emancipation of Mrs Lard!

Peridot x


You go girl!! Loads of people fail their testt loads of times and they al end up being perfectly good drivers. It's just one of those things which either comes easily or it doesn't. Much harder when you're older too so no fear of failure, just determination to get there!!

You'll get there. Big snog.

Lesley x


I love the idea of you having road rage... Just cannot stop giggling.... Keep meaning to say, take your anger/frustration out on a pillow, hit it...
You can do this, as you say, it is perseverance, determination, getting over the hiccups, and total belief... I shall be doing lots of affirmations... xxx

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