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May 04, 2009



I know just what you mean - the disappointment and bewilderment when a much longed for food just doesn't quite deliver on the fantasies. I usually try it again which is utterly bonkers! Perhaps your tastes have changed? Perhaps the pizza belonged to the old you? Perhaps there's a new (healthier?) favourite waiting in the wings?

Peridot x


That is great news in my humble (non-pizza obsessed) opinion!! Have you seen how many calories there are in a pizza??!!

Well done for listening to your body. You could have persevered but you didn't. Great stuff.

Can't wait to hear from the mystery guest....the suspense....

Lesley x


Oooooh, I've just thought, could your belief that you're the person who loves pizzas be one of your "gremlins"? Hence your difficulty in letting go of it.

could be...


That's terrible! We should nip over to NYC and go to Grimaldi's and sort you out right away!

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