Mrs Lard's Corner Shop

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May 21, 2009



Yaaaay!! Well done you for sitting and passing that test. Good luck with the actual car business but no more chocs madam. You don't need it and it just makes it harder on the long run.

It is your rebellious chimp controlling you and persuading you that you "need" chocolate. Try asking yourself whether, if there was a £1m riding on it, you would still want the chocolate? Of course you wouldn't so you don't "need" chocolate.

You're incredible Mrs, you can do so much and have been such a great friend; don't fool yourself into thinking that you "need" chocolate! Here endeth the lesson.

Big kiss and well done again. (I'm not having go, honest, just giving your chimp a little shake)

Lesley x


Well done on the test, hurraaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :)


Congratulations! You're a step closer to the freedom that being a driver will give you. I wouldn't know the answer to ANY of those questions (oops) - and what IS the national speed limit? My father said it was "go as fast as you like" when I was 17 which lead to me haring down to Brighton at 85mph as a learner (eek), I think it's 70mph and bf thinks it's 60mph - you may be the only one who knows!

It is my bitter experience that chocolate actually makes you more tired as the temporary lift leads to a slump. You're a healthy girl at heart so I know this is just a temporary aberration.

Peridot x


You alright??


How are you doing? Long time, no hear.... Hope you're too busy to post rather then in the glums. Thinking of you...

Peridot x

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