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June 16, 2009



It is unsettling for sure to be moving about all the time. And I do think that a routine is the only way to diet (for me, at any rate).

Sad to hear you're going through a tough time - and sending love and support through the ether.

Peridot x


It's nice to see an update from you even though I know you're still around.

Don't know what to suggest on the peripatetic existence front. Maybe this: when you were on LL you moved heaven and earth to eat the prescibed 4 packs and to manage on these despite travelling a fair bit. Maybe if you can decide upon a limited "travelling" diet of things that you can get in the places you are mainly at then just forget about food for a while. Treat the limited diet like your 4 packs and forget about the rest.

Your chimp likes rules so a limited palate suits her. I have found cutting right down on my breakfast and lunch options has reduced stress and leaves me to be a bit more creative in the evenings when i can but when I'm on the road say on Tuesday going to Manchester or Thursday with my french class, I only allow myself certain travelling foods so I know I won't do too much damage.

Just a thought, but the main thing is that you get through your tough time.

Lots of love floating your way.

Lesley xx


Thinking of you mrs!!!!!!

Amy Greenan

Hang in there, Ms. Lardy! Do what you can, even the littlest thing. You'll get back to it when it is the right time. *hugs*


Just wanted to send hugs. x

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