Shakira in her She-Wolf outfit
The only reason I have posted the very foxy Shakira here is because her video (of her song, She-Wolf) was playing at the gym, while I was on the treadmill. I've was really struck by the images and the fact that none of the women around me bore any resemblance to the South American chanteuse. And yes, I was feeling particularly bloated and uncomfortable myself but after Shauna's stern words, I will NOT use this post to be negative! : )
Anyway, here is the Potatoes not Prozac update. There have been definite improvements in my mood. Not all the time but distinct, significant improvements. And I'm not even done with Step 1 yet! There is a bit of chicken and egg going on right now; I've changed a few things in my life so not sure where the improvements originate.
Food-wise, I've been doing Step 1 very slowly - Eat Breakfast with Protein Every Day . Step 1 has four individual parts:
- (Eat) enough protein for your weight
- (Include) a complex carbohydrate
- Eat within one hour of getting up
- (Follow it) every day
As a vegetarian, it's a greater challenge to get the required amount of protein (30g for me right now) - without going fat-tastic - NOT impossible, just more challenging. And getting on top of the food (organisation), is a skill I really have to master - not just for now but forever. I decided to go back to my own methods of old - protein shakes. I use Holland & Barratt's own-label protein powder, mixed up with skimmed (dairy) milk and a banana. I find this sustains me for hours. Where this breakfast falls down is that it doesn't include a complex carbohydrate so I need to address that.
The eating within one hour has been non-negotiable. I have stuck to that rigidly, even if it has required getting up at 5am to factor it in. There was just one day - yesterday - when I didn't follow it. I had several biscuits (ginger nuts, in case you wondered) and toast. In fact, my food yesterday was an example of how my organisational skills can let me down, and I had had just four hours sleep. I had prepared a packed lunch (salad, protein, some carbs - pitta bread) but I was running so late that I had to leave the lunch at home. While out, I had a Geo bar (horrible!), sandwiches, crisps, copious amounts of tea and a Coke Zero. I had the salad when I got back, pasta for supper and well, you can see it had a theme - the carbathon day.
Of late, I have been ditching any cola drinks. I have been avoiding sandwiches while out (but still tucking the toast away rather too often at home).
I am NOT doing this programme to lose weight - that was NOT the primary objective. It was to really see if the food could improve my mood. I am convinced, well, I am very, very, very hopeful that the weight loss will come. The downside is that I have put on a lot of weight. But I really cannot lay the blame at the door of the programme - that would be totally unfair. I've swapped chicken (low-fat protein source) for cheese. Not good. And not advocated by Dr DesMaisons. I've also been on some hardcore medication. Even though I have been going to the gym, work commitments have meant that I haven't been able to go as often or for as long as I liked. I am not calorie counting and one major factor remains - extreme tiredness. When I am tired, I eat more.
Last week I had a breakthrough; I was in unfamiliar (and trigger-tastic) surroundings, I'd had my breakfast and organised having my protein lunch on hand, whenever I was ready to eat it (out all day). I was in a canteen in that difficult (for me) in between period - breakfast is done but it's too early for lunch. I lingered over a display of every snack imaginable - chocolate, biscuits, health bars, pastries, crisps - canteen fare - but do you know what? I figured, I am not hungry, I don't need to eat. So I bought a cup of tea.
The reason it was such a breakthrough was that it was a decision made without restriction - I'm not on a diet per se, I am not restricting my food intake - there was no internal argument to be had. I wish I could say that such clear thinking lasted all week but it didn't. BUT that would be to miss the point of the Potatoes not Prozac programme; it's all about mastery, one baby step at a time.
What I have seen is that if tiredness is not in the mix and I'm on top of my protein, the food chaos is really not as extreme.
PS one vegetarian/vegan protein source that is really working for me - smaller volume - is a Trek bar
Well done comrade well done! That breakthrough is brilliant: "a decision made without restriction". There are so many things to be positive about from this week :)
You are so bloody right about the organising and the tiredness. Today I slept in til 8.15, left my brekkie at home and just had v unsatisfying stale oatcakes and banana... now fighting urge to faceplant into the biscuit tin!
OH! Unsolicited idea for your morning shake - maybe chuck a small handful of oats into the blender to get your complex carb in? They go really nicely with bananas and blend into nothing so it doesn't taste particularly oaty - just makes it slightly thicker and a pleasant earthiness.
Posted by: Account Deleted | September 30, 2009 at 11:03 AM
Ha! Shauna pipped me to the post on the old oats suggestion! I agree with you and her about organistion - and it's easy to get into a vicious circle: tiredness leads to lack of organisation which leads to random and bonkers eating which leads to tiredness.
Still VERY interested in you PnP programme - and v impressed (and a little spooked) that the author found your blog and my questions! I am still toying with it - just afraid I won't lose weight on it. As you say, it's not the primary motivation behind it and yet I know I'm more miserable the fatter I am.
Finally, impressed with your breakthrough moment - those moments are not to be underestimated.
Peridot x
Posted by: Peridot | October 07, 2009 at 12:23 PM
Hope you are okay Mrs... thinking of you!!!
Posted by: Account Deleted | October 09, 2009 at 03:36 PM
Long time, no post. How are you? How's it going on PnP?
Posted by: Peridot | October 09, 2009 at 03:53 PM
Me too - you alright chuck? I recall Oct was an important month for you. Hope all's well.
Lesley x
Posted by: Lesley | October 12, 2009 at 05:38 PM
Where are you, Mrs? Hope you are ok - we're all missing you!!
Take care,
Fionna x
Posted by: Fionna Devine | November 03, 2009 at 01:31 PM