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January 05, 2011



I suspect that you're right - that breakfast is more important in losing weight than I've been accepting. I've slipped and slided into a lazy habit of having whatever I fancy. Not usually a big amount. Toast or a couple of croissants, sometimes crunchy nut cornflakes etc and slipped away from what used to work for me ie. muesli with fruit and yoghurt.

No particular reason but I suspect the mental side of having a heathful and virtuous breakfast sets you up for a better day.

I will try getting back to my old brekkie tomorrow (especially now I'm not eating up croissants anymore...) and hope that it helps as part of re-establishing healthy habits.

Stick to it hon

Lesley xx

janine aka slimmer bridezilla as once was

Dear Mrs L
I can't tell you how pleased I am you're back - I'm actually quite emotional x big big big hugs x


Hurrah! I have managed to comment finally! SO nice to have you back - there's still a Mrs Lard sized hole in my life that I'm glad you're back to fill.

Peridot x

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