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July 16, 2011



same to you lovely. here's to getting happy xxox


Hey honey bun - sorry I'm slow in commenting (altho, to be fair, you were pretty slow in post!!).

I know what you mean about "itching to get started". I've been like that the last few weeks and jsut haven't made it stick. I enrolled at the dreaded Slimming World last night and feel like this could be the real start after so many false ones. Figners crossed for me.

Actually, the SW regime looks pretty easy so I'm hoping that that helps with the organisational type hurdles which one encounters.

I hope you're having a decent summer. Any holidays planned or too busy??

Keep it up chuck - we'll all getting there - the trick is to have fun on the way.

Lesley xx


Hope all is well with you Mrs Lard?

Fi x

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You presented an exceptional article, many thanks for your hard work and in-depth information

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